I receive a lot of emails each week and lately the topic of bullying and feeling left out in school rather than home has come up.

In this video, I explain the pain and sometimes trauma that can come from the socialization process. I also offer my own experience of lifting up beyond the rules of society to align with the truths of the universe.

Healing Tip #1: For the past week I have been doing a new gratitude journal! I have also assigned this beautiful exercise to multiple clients and we have all felt a raise in our own energy and mental focus. If you would like to join us please do.

Each morning we take out our special journal and write down 5 things we are grateful for. Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations we can align with. When we put ourselves in this mindset first thing in the morning, our day magically aligns with more positive interactions and thoughts. Try it out yourself!

Healing tip #2: Short guided meditations throughout your day. I just designed and released my SOUL SNACK (5 minute) guided meditations. Check them out and see how your focus shifts to the positive!!!

Have a beautiful week,

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