Hello beautiful friends,

I have been hearing from many of you lately! Your emotions are running high. You are feeling the weight of the world. Many of you have expressed some old SHAME coming up! This makes perfect sense to me. With what is happening in our world right now, there are a lot of strong emotions being shared, projected and healed.

If you are someone who has done a lot of work on the inner wounds, you are probably feeling upset that you are feeling so off right now. If you haven’t done the inner work, maybe this is a call to start. We are all being tested right now. The “collective” climate of the world is not so graceful at the moment.

Our world is in the midst of massive CHANGE but what that entails is discomfort.

SO, one of the most important things we can do right now is… Stop worrying about saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing (SHAME trigger). That is also normal. Instead, worry about soothing those uncomfortable emotions that come up and ultimately make you confused.

This is our time to align with our own integrity. This is the time to observe all that is happening and make sure we act in alignment with our truest belief system. Don’t do things to people-please or be popular. Do things that you feel strongly about and take action in ways that feel authentic to you.

As we all learn more and listen more, we also need to give ourselves those extra doses of Self Care!!!!

My suggestion: When stressed or highly emotional…

PAUSE, take a couple deep breaths in for 3 counts, exhale for 8 counts.

This will naturally ease your nervous system and slow you down mentally. Remember, FEAR lives in the mind. When we assist ourselves in this physical way, our emotions follow suit.

If you still need more calming, please practice an EFT (emotional freedom technique). I have a good one for free on YouTube called EFT to release abandonment and rejection.

You can watch it HERE.

Even if those are not the things you are worried about, for some reason this EFT calms me no matter what. After I do my breathing exercises and EFT, if I still need MORE assistance, I pull out my emotional journal and I start writing out what I feel to give it a voice, validate my feelings and release the stuck pain.

I am also releasing a new video this week called How to Self Soothe Negative Emotions that will help further. Watch it here.

For more new videos this week please go to my YouTube channel.

Right brained kids in a left brained system


Healing the emotional wounds of highly sensitive people


EMOTIONAL REHAB is open for enrollment
Starts July 1 but please sign up before then for the discount!!


In this 12-week course, we heal the original wounds, relationship dynamics and anchor a true sense of Self. I will see you each week for our LIVE Facebook sessions and you can go at your own pace, because you are free to stay in the group for the remainder of the year. You also get to do the course as many times as you would like since there is no expiration.


6-week online course to process your emotions and reclaim your authentic self and purpose.




Learn to love yourself and see the world from a higher perspective



Manage your emotions!!


My deep dive session for building a business online!






Why do I attract narcissists



Please follow me on instagram @candacevandell for daily insights and announcements on future collaborations, summits and more!

I love you all and wish you a great weekend,


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