Hello lovely souls,

I hope you all had a fabulous week. The energy has been lighter for me lately, a sense of freedom is opening up, can you feel it? I have been doing some deeper work around fear.

Every time we face a fear, we give ourselves the freedom that lives behind it. We literally become more free of those fears that bind us.

This week I have been talking a lot about spiritual gifts, as my own are going to a new level. The more emotional healing we do, the more open we are to receive our spiritual gifts. Think about it. We are born as souls having a human experience. Babies naturally love themselves and others purely. As we are socialized, we pick up ideas about ourselves that cloud us. We attach to limiting beliefs and misinterpretations about ourselves due to negative emotional experiences or lack of support and understanding. We carry those things with us and they close the gap between US and our spiritual truth.

As we clear up some of the emotional pain, we can become more of that pure channel again. The more we become our authentic selves, the more our spiritual gifts will appear. One of the gifts that has appeared for me lately, is my ability to feel other people’s blocked energy and help them clear it out. I feel it in my own body as if it was my own, except I am very clear that it belongs to the person I am talking to. By feeling into them, I am able to understand their pain as an observer and I can guide them into a higher understanding of it themselves. I don’t talk about this stuff often because it can sound woo woo even to me. But I will be talking about my experiences more openly in the coming months as it brings me so much joy to be able to do this and to share it with others.

I encourage you all to continue on your emotional healing journey so that you can reclaim the magic of your own natural spiritual gifts.

Please check out my latest video on Awakening Your Spiritual Gifts:


ANNOUNCEMENT: Emotional Rehab is open for early enrollment on Monday, February 1st.



The class will start on Valentine’s Day. Of course, you are welcome to do it at your own pace, but please be sure to join me in the private Facebook group for the weekly live calls (ALL YEAR LONG)!

Lots of love,


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